Welcome to the GeoDia User Forum

This blog is set up to serve as a way to collect feedback from users of GeoDia, a spatial timeline of the ancient Mediterranean developed by Adam Rabinowitz (University of Texas at Austin, department of Classics), Peter Keane and Stuart Ross (UT Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services), and Nick Rabinowitz, using Nick's timemap.js library and the LAITS DASe architecture, with support from two LAITS project grants. It will also serve as a place where GeoDia managers can alert users to additions, changes, and new developments. The GeoDia code itself can be found at http://code.google.com/p/geodia/.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

GeoDia tutorial video 7

This video, the last in the series, shows how a user can create links to specific results sets or download them as KML for viewing in Google Earth.

GeoDia tutorial video 6

This video explains how a user can manage results sets by promoting, hiding, or removing items.

GeoDia tutorial video 5

This video demonstrates search functions in GeoDia.

GeoDia tutorial video 4

This video demonstrates how to view the details of a site or event in GeoDia.

GeoDia tutorial video 3

This video explains how a user can find information by browsing.

GeoDia tutorial video 2

This tutorial video explains the content of the GeoDia interface.

GeoDia tutorial video 1

The first tutorial: an introduction to the website.